Haitian Kompa and Zouk singer and the lead of the group Zin, Georges Alan Cavé is was born on February 27 in Brooklyn, New York. He has two brothers and two sisters, Syto Cave Jr. (formerly of Lakol), Wladimir Cave, Gaelle Auguste and Sereine Leon. He married Myrtho Polo in 2000 and they have a 5 year old son. It was in 1987 when Alan Cavé auditioned to join the group Zin and he was taken up as a member by the band leaders Alex Abellard and Eddy St. Vil for what they termed as his unique voice. The love of music for Alan Cavé has been a trait from his parents who encouraged him. His father Syto Cave was a playwright writer, novelist, actor and director. He went on tours to France, Canada and the southeastern Caribbean Islands Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia and so did his son. His mother, Yanick Jean is a painter, decorator, poet and novelist. Alan Cavé knew he would sing when on a trip to France his father fell ill and did one of his songs and received a standing ovation from the attendants.
Georges Alan Cavé
The group from which Alan Cavé was the lead singer released its first album, O Pa, in 1988 and was still going strong until recently. His first solo album "Lage'm", was an enormous success. It includes hits such as Ma Rose and Nan Nannan. His second solo album, "Se Pa PouDat" came in 2001. It transcended the barriers of language and cultural sound. The album consisted of 13 hits, such as 365 Jou, Please Baby, Se Pa PouDat and M'tombe. The Best of Alan Cave was released in early 2004. In mid-2004, came Collabo. Again this CD was a hit that infiltrated the music industry with hits like Yereswa, J'aiBesoin de Toi, FanmDousMwen and Falling.In April 2007, Alan Cavé released the long awaited solo album "De La Tete aux Pieds". He is a prolific songwriter with a catalogue of songs and unreleased recordings in English, French, and Creole. In an interview he said, “My inspiration is life and good people, they make you want to do more and give your best. I want to be remembered more as a writer and composer than a singer, because I am passionate about writing lyrics. Discipline keeps you at the top. That combined with hard work and commitment are the formula to success”. He has had a successful path in the music industry and besides doing songs with the Zin band, he has produced three solo albums.